Don’t worry if you are a complete novice. The members will welcome you and introduce you to the game. It is a game you can play immediately – but a lifetime to master! Have a look at “General Advice for Beginners” .

Range of annual subscription charges are as follows:
Full Membership: £80 per year .
Under 18: £1 per year
New (to bowling) Adult Members: Half Price
To make an application to join, contact the secretary, by mail or email, further details on our contact page. You can download the application form by clicking on the link below and returning it by email to :
Click on the red button to download –
Junior Membership
The sport once had a reputation of being an old man’s game, but it is a sport for young people that old people can still play. Bowls is one of the few games where everyone can play on equal terms and where children can play on equal terms with their parents and grandparents.
Give it a try – you could gain a new sport, one that you could enjoy throughout your life. You could be the next world champion!
When Can I Bowl?
The outdoor bowling season runs from early April until the end of September. The green is open every afternoon and every evening each week, and is available for play in the mornings if no maintenance work is being done. Just turn up and join in at 2:00 p.m. or 6:00 p.m.
Short Mat Bowling
Short Mat Bowling : we are now able to do short mat bowling throughout the winter months in the new pavilion. Two rinks are available for a very reasonable £1 per session for members. A very different game but just as skilful! Well worth a try! Club sessions are on a Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday evenings.
During any trial period taken out, periods of instruction can be offered. Playing bowls is very rewarding, but not quite as simple as it looks! We will help you with guidance on how best to get your bowls where they need to go…’s all about how you Stand and Deliver!